We heart February and so does your cat!
When we think of February, the first thing that comes to mind is Valentine’s Day! This month is all about red and white and hearts which also makes it about heart health. Checking your kitties heart is important as, according to Cornell Feline Health Center, 15% of cats suffer from heart disease. As with humans, there may be little to no symptoms and being aware of your cat’s behavior can play a vital role in detection. The basic signs of illness such as no appetite or lack of energy are key symptoms but watch for increased heart rate and breathing along with difficulty breathing or panting. Your cat could even collapse! While heart disease is more common in dogs vs cats, there is congenital vs hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This will cause the heart to stiffen and thicken making it harder to work hence the panting and heart racing. Basic exercise can do wonders for your cat and having them in a healthy weight range just like humans is essential. Low stress and a happy home can really help the heart stay healthy too. Keeping your annual veterinarian checkup is the best way to be aware of medical issues and to have them monitored or treated. Depending on your cat’s age and overall health, some cats over age 10 may need a vet visit twice a year. Talking to your vet about what they recommend and what’s best can keep your kitty living longer with you. Knowing your kitty has a healthy heart is the perfect valentine! Happy Mew Year for your cat!
Happy 2025! Can you believe it is January already and 2025? Wow, how times flies. I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season and are either thinking of New Years’ Resolutions or getting ready to start some. Perhaps you have even broken one already! It happens so no worries. Since it is the beginning of the new year, have you considered some resolutions for your cat? These are a few suggestions to consider…… Annual Check Up- Has it been a while since the last vet visit? Have you noticed any health or behaviorial changes with your cat? If you don’t have a regular veterinarian, it would be a good idea to find one and begin a relationship with their office. While these nationwide or regional chains that offer basic vaccinations are a fantastic option if you’re in a pinch, establishing you and your cat at a veterinarian office can save you time and money in case of an emergency. My personal vet will no longer accept patients who have decided to obtain basic vaccinations at a national chain vet service yet call the office when the cat is suddenly sick and needs care. The office will then refer to the local emergency clinic which can cost hundreds of dollars vs a basic office visit and some meds. You never know when your cat may get a hairball and need some extra fluids or upper respiratory infection and some medication and a simple call to your vet office can get you in quickly and not for a lot of money. Weight Management- Unfortunately, after the holidays and lots of extra sweets and food, we all seem to tip the scales a bit more. Think about your cat and their weight and if they may need to also be on a diet. From feline diabetes ( similar to Type 2 in humans) to extra weight on their joints to being unable to bathe themselves, being a little or a lot overweight can affect your cat. Speak to your vet about a diet plan and new food, more activity and less treats. Exercise and play time- Since more activity was just mentioned, spending a bit more time each day playing with your cat can really help their weight and health but also bond with them. Running and chasing them when they decide to run all over, playing with toys, getting them to climb and be more active can make a big impact mentally and physically for both of you. New toys and cat furniture- Perhaps it has been a while since you bought some new cat toys? Is that cat tree looking pretty beat up? From $1 toys at the dollar store to fancy multi level cat trees and wall boxes and perches, the sky is the limit with presents for your cat. Consider your space and budget and your cat will have lots of fun keeping busy. New Litter Box- You don’t think about a litter box often, however buying a new one can make your life easier and your cat a bit happier. A fresh new box for a few dollars is clean and less scratch marks which helps keep things a bit more sanitary. There are new motorized litter boxes with apps and even ones that have entrances from the top for less litter clean up. The list can go on and on from a new carrier to cat bed, it may be time to retire the old stuff and freshen up your cats’ old and worn out items. Have a fantastic 2025 and resolve to keep your cat happy and healthy this year! It won’t cost much and your cat will thank you. December is all about white cats!
It’s that time of year when snow starts flying here in Central New York and while this isn’t an exact breed, the allure of the pure white cat is perfect for this month. We’ve been lucky enough to have a few pure white cats stay with us as hotel guests and they ranged from a domestic shorthair to a Turkish Angora. There are some very unique traits with white cats and you’ll be surprised by them! Hint- 5% of cats are all white! Genetics- When one thinks of a white cat, they may think of albino which is completely different. Albino cats simply lack the gene for pigmentation which affects skin, fur and eyes and the gene causing this is from both parents. Now with a pure white cat, there are genetics involved but much differently. The KIT gene plays an important part in the color of a coat. If there is to be any white in the cats coat, this gene will decide. There is a dominant gene called the W (white) gene or Locus C or W but the Locus C will cause the complete white color and deafness. More on that shortly! When the W gene is dominant, this will result in blocking the color of the fur and not allowing any color or patches of color to occur and the result is a completely white fur cat. Eyes- White cats can have a variety of eye colors or two different colors! This is called heterchromia and is part of the genetics of having any white in their coats. Cats with darker coats will not have this genetic combination and therefore, you won’t see heterochromia on say a black cat. White cats can have blue, green or yellow eyes and the blue eye will be lacking melanin while the other eye will have some melanin giving it the color. However, blindness is not common. Ears- As mentioned earlier, the deafness in white cats is legit. Blue eyed white cats run a very high risk of being deaf and even having 1 blue eye raises the chances. Not all white cats are deaf though but the risk is higher. The masking gene which blocks the color can affect the ears and cause deafness. Another interesting point is that the deafness will be on the same side as the blue eye! Colors and Coats-Having had a few all white cats at the spa already, there are many breeds that can be all white. To name only a few are ragdolls, American & British shorthair, Maine Coon and Persians. Hot Tip- Be careful with the sunbathing with these kitties as they can be sunburned very easily! Get Lucky!- While we often hear about black cats being bad luck, it’s the opposite with white cats. Many cultures believe a white cat is good luck so consider that when looking to adopt one. We’ll be sure to post a photo of an all white hotel guest kitty so be sure to follow our social media at FB @rockthecatspa and IG @officialrockthecatspa. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! This breed has yet to visit the cat spa, however we have had a Munchkin stay and was in love with her spunk and energy and tiny size. There is a bit to consider with this breed so if you are considering one, read closely and understand the breed and some issues.
Around the late 1990’s/ turn of the century, there was a breeder who intentionally cross bred a Munchkin cat and persian to create this unique breed. He understood the genetic issues of the Munchkin ( there is a previous blog written here!) and voila, the Minuet cat was born. The name Napolean clearly is derived from the short stature French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte. While the Munchkin is one ½ of the cat, the other genetic makeup is either Persian, Himalayan or Exotic Shorthair. As a result, there can be either long or short hair and the tell tale shorter face as with a Persian. Not all Munchkin cats are dwarf and due to genetics, they may have full sized ‘Standard” legs. The legs differ in sizes with the cats and can also be, ’super short” or the ‘rug hugger’ so you get regular, medium and small sizes! Since they are bred with Persians, the body will tend to be a smaller size of around 5-8 lbs. A true Munchkin can be a standard size cat with just much smaller legs. With the genetic makeup of another breed, the color combinations can reflect several variations. There are usually 5 colors and combinations so you will be surprised with the lovely coats they may have. As stated earlier, long or short hair coats may require frequent brushing and perhaps even a trip to a groomer to maintain a silky mat-free coat. Their personality is that of a dog-cat and needy so be prepared! There may also be some cattitude as we experienced at the cat spa with the Munchkin hotel guest. She wasn’t the friendliest of the brood! Being a bit temperamental is typical for these kitties. Speaking with your veterinarian prior to adopting a Napolean cat would be a smart idea. There are several serious health issues that are associated with the breed and as a result, the lifespan of 15 years could be costly. Osteoarthritis is common and mixing with the Persian adds in other genetic health conditions. Breathing issues and heart problems are common. It is frowned upon in many cat breeder groups to encourage the breeding and selling of these cats for ethical reasons. The Munchkin aspect is a genetic mutation so to keep the line for purely cosmetic reasons is questionable among many. While the shorter legs do not affect their activity levels, it does raise the ethics and animals question. Napoleon cats are adorable in many aspects but take all into consideration if you decide to adopt one. October is all about the Ocicat!
Rock The Cat Spa has yet to have an Ocicat guest! This breed is exotic-looking and intriguing, and the simple facts about it are surprising. Let’s learn more! In the mid-1960s, a professional cat breeder named Virginia Daly bred an Abyssinian with a Siamese, eventually resulting in a beautiful male kitten with a blend of his parents’ features. With continued breeding and the incorporation of the American Shorthair, Ocicats were introduced. In 1988, two Ocicats were imported to Britain, helping kickstart the breed’s international growth. Ocicats are known for their exotic spots and physical similarity to the wild animal Ocelot, which inspired the breed’s name. With 12 color variations, the cat’s coat is short and velvety, requiring no maintenance. There is usually the tabby “M” marking on their foreheads, and their bodies are medium-to-large muscular/athletic builds. These cats tend to live 15-18 years and make for a great outdoor cat. However, we don’t recommend cats go outdoors for safety reasons. Ocicats are doglike, active, and love to play. They could be good with children as they’re easygoing. You’ll need to commit to giving them one-on-one attention and playtime. Being part Siamese results in a very vocal cat, so be prepared for yowling and meowing. One interesting fact is Ocicats can be clicker trained, which can lead to lots of fun. They do not like to be left alone, so having another cat to keep it company may be best. If you’re considering adopting an Ocicat, talking to your veterinarian about the breed may help in your decision-making. Ocicats, like other cats, can be prone to health issues. We hope to one day meet an Ocicat, and we will definitely post it on social media when we do. Keep watch on our Facebook @rockthecatspa and Instagram @officialrockthecatspa! September is all about the Sphynx Cat!
We typically see a Sphynx cat and have either an immediate fascination or ick reaction. The Sphynx is an interesting breed, and we’re here to help you learn more about it — and debunk the idea that Sphynx cats are allergy-free. Rock The Cat Spa has been lucky enough to have a few Sphynx stay here, and we’ve learned about them firsthand. Throughout history, there has been mention of hairless cats, but there wasn’t always much interest. The “Austin Powers” movie series and its character Mr. Bigglesworth helped popularize the hairless Sphynx in the late ’90s. In Ontario, Canada, in 1966, a hairless kitten was born amidst a litter of domestic shorthairs as a result of a random genetic mutation. The rest is, well, history. Most of the Sphynx cats we know today all descend from five cats, according to Purina: two from Minnesota in 1975, and three from Toronto in 1978! The number one question regarding this breed is, “How and why are they hairless?” It’s pretty simple and boils down to the aforementioned genetic mutation. A gene called Keratin 71, or KRT71, weakens the hair root so it is unable to stay in the skin (KRT71 affects other animals with fur mutations as well). That said, not all Sphynx cats are completely hairless. Some have “peach fuzz,” patches of fur, and/or little whiskers on their bodies. Their facial whiskers can be present, broken, or completely missing also. A Sphynx’s skin will still resemble whatever fur coat they would have had, so you will see all sorts of different colorings and markings. We’ve seen one that was dark gray with lighter patches, one with pale peach-colored skin, and one that was light gray and had broken white whiskers. This unique trait is a great talking point! Because Sphynx cats have no hair, they are commonly believed to be hypoallergenic. This is true if someone is only allergic to cat hair, not if they are allergic to cat dander. There is a protein in cats’ saliva called Fel d 1, and when a cat licks itself, this protein is spread across its body. Since Sphynx cats still bathe themselves and sweat, the protein will be on their skin, and those allergic to cat dander will be affected. With their lack of hair, Sphynx cats will need to be bathed often. Catster recommends every three to four weeks, but here at Rock The Cat Spa, our guests have requested that they be washed or wiped down every two to three days to reduce and eliminate “greasy” buildup. The cat’s lack of fur can contribute to an overbuild of skin oils and ear wax. Healthwise, these cats will live an average of 8-14 years and are prone to some health problems. Heart issues and hereditary myopathy have been reported. Sunburn and/or skin cancer can also occur, so keeping your Sphynx indoors is crucial. This breed is not for everyone, as they tend to act doglike and needy. Some of that may stem from being cold and wanting to cuddle for body heat. Sphynx are quite extroverted (we can confirm this!) and curious. Research this breed before adopting, as they can be quite demanding. Make sure your lifestyle and personality can keep up with a Sphynx! Over the years, I have been to many cat shows to see the fancy, fabulous felines. These show cats are so stunning I think they’re all winners! The cats were very patient in their cages, and I got to see many different, and rare, purebred cats. I always wanted to enter one of my Siamese, so I began to research how to join, and discovered any cat is welcome! Top Tier Shows
The largest cat shows for pedigree cats are hosted by two organizations: CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) and TICA (The International Cat Association), and they are the best of the best, with set standards for purebred, pedigree cats. CFA and TICA are the equivalent of AKC and Westminster dog shows. Each organization has a different reach, in different areas of the country. (If you’ve ever been to a cat show, then you probably know which association has a presence in your area). The cats in these shows have confirmed lineage, have been registered by their breeder, and comply with strict breed regulations. CFA and TICA’s top-of-the-line shows set cat trends, and introduce the newest pedigree breeds, but many smaller shows exist in each state or region. Entering a Cat Show Entering a cat show is pretty straightforward; you can visit the website for each location to register, if you meet that show’s criteria. If a purebred, your cat must have pedigree papers, be registered, and meet the age necessary for the class they’re entering. Most shows don’t mind if the cats are spayed or neutered, but they must all be up to date on vaccines, and healthy. All cats must have their claws, but they also must be trimmed. The cats are judged on the standards which are associated with their specific breed, and are usually kept in cages with an assigned number. While some shows inspect the cats in their respective cages, some will bring them out onto a table for a full inspection, or to present the top cats, and best in show. If you’re considering entering a cat show, your cat needs to be comfortable being in a cage, being around other cats and large groups of people, and being handled. A cat who attacks and growls is not the type of cat who will enjoy being in a show, nor will they likely be awarded points if they can’t be seen or handled properly. If you feel nervous about a large cat show, there are often smaller, lesser known shows that can be found, and may be less overwhelming for kitties’ first event. House Cat Division I love my Daphne, and she’s a DSH tortoiseshell, not a purebred, but most shows have classes for our humble house cats, too! Cats of all kinds are welcome, and there’s a category for everyone. Classes and divisions include a household class, where Daphne falls, a kitten class, generally for cats under eight months old, and a veteran class for kitties over seven years old. There is also a new breeds class, so every type of cat is sure to be represented. Most cats are judged on breed standards, within their class or division, and then judged on color and coat pattern. Winners in first, second, and third places are usually chosen in each division, and then first, second, and third place for the show overall. Each association runs their show a little differently, and some divide cats into extra classes to separate short or long hair coats, specific patterns, and other small physical differences. A Fun Experience I highly recommend going to a cat show just to experience one, and see all of the different breeds and looks. There are usually vendors at cat shows with unique cat gifts, toys, and treats, and also hygiene or grooming tools. I have purchased some unique items at cat shows, and it’s also nice to be able to ask questions or test out products beforehand. Whether you want to show your cat, or be surrounded by them, a cat show is a fun way to spend the day. You get to see all the breeds that you have heard about and wanted to meet, up close and personal. While we should always research breeds before we adopt a cat, the Bengal is one that is crucial to research. Read online, talk to current owners, and spend time with a Bengal before you commit to bringing one home. A mix of Asian Leopard, and a tabby cat, Bengals can have a wild streak, and because of their wild nature, they are not a good fit for every home. Get all of the details and advice you need below! Creation of Bengals
Asian Leopard cats, “felis bengalensis,” have been hunted for their exotic coats, so cat breeder Jean Mill decided to breed a domestic cat with the Asian Leopard to help save the species, and created the Bengal. This new breed protected Asian Leopard cats because they were no longer considered exotic, so their cubs would not be taken and sold. Mill dabbled in breeding Bengals in the early 1960s, but the Bengals that we know today came primarily from her breeding efforts in the early 1980s. She created the perfect combination of cat: the personality of a domestic house cat with the stunning, exotic looks of an Asian Leopard cat. By the late 1980s to early 1990s, Bengals were officially recognized by American cat associations, and recognized globally shortly after. Since Bengals originated from the wild Asian Leopard cat, they have been bred to eliminate the wild cat personality. Many Bengals now are considered an F5, which means they are five generations away from the Asian Leopard cat. Be sure to ask your breeder what level they have, so you know how many generations from their wild relatives your Bengal will be. The further away from the Asian Leopard they are, the more domesticated they are. Energetic Personalities Because of their genetic makeup, you can expect a kitty who loves to jump and climb, and they are very active! Bengals are highly intelligent cats, and need a lot of human interaction. They tend to attach to their owners, and require lots of one-on-one time. Bengals have a very distinct meow, or yowl, and know how to use it; they are very vocal! They love attention, and if they don’t get enough, they can become extremely destructive in order to get it. This is when the expertise of a breeder is vital for a calm kitty, or one that can test your time and energy limits. Wild Cat Looks A Bengal’s coat is stunning, to say the least, as are their green eyes. Their eyes are always bright green or yellow, which has a dramatic effect against their dark, sleek fur. The fur on their coats is short and silky, with a gorgeous shine, but they are not hypoallergenic cats. Coat patterns tend to be a marbled or swirling look, but many Bengals are also spotted. Bengal's colors come in a range of brown, black, and ivory, but there have been new variations that come in an almost solid black. There is also now a Snow Bengal, which is an ivory-toned Bengal, and they are absolutely beautiful. Males are typically a medium build, while females usually have a smaller, thinner frame. Their maximum weight is about 15lbs, and their bodies are normally muscular. A Bengal’s life span averages around 15 years, but they tend to have health issues that range from eye issues to heart problems. Speaking to your veterinarian before buying a Bengal could save you costly vet bills. Purchasing Interested in having a Bengal companion? Do your research to find a reputable breeder, and expect to pay around $2500 or more. There are approximately 2500 Bengal breeders in the USA, and all good breeders should provide proper breed paperwork, and information on the cat’s lineage. Also, check your state and local laws, because some areas have restrictions. NYC, for instance, has outlawed Bengals; it is illegal to own one in the City. New York State law, however, stipulates that your Bengal must be a F5, and registered with the ICA (The International Cat Association) or CFA (Cat Fanciers’ Association). Owning a bengal is not for everyone, and because of their high attachment to their owners, excessive energy demands, and potentially destructive behaviors, we do not board Bengals at Rock The Cat Spa. Many kennels will not accept this breed. Having a safe place to board, or a friend to watch them, is important before buying a Bengal, so you know that you can sometimes be away from home. While they are absolutely beautiful, unique cats, make sure this breed is the right fit for you, your family, and your lifestyle. My dad was quite the tea connoisseur, and loved to grow a garden each year. He grew fresh catnip for both the cats to enjoy, and used some for tea! Catnip tea has relaxing and calming benefits for our feline friends, so we thought we’d share the recipe with you. First, grow catnip at home, then cut the growth at the base of the stem.
Next, bundle the stems and store them upside down in a cool, dry spot (like the garage). Once dry, remove the stems and crumble the leaves into a bag. You can use a ziplock baggie to store any extra leaves. Finally, follow the steps below, and let kitty enjoy! 3 teaspoons catnip leaves 2 cups hot water Steep for 5-10 minutes (the longer the leaves steep, the stronger the tea). Strain, let cool, and serve. Do not give your cat the full amount of tea, give only a little at a time as a small treat. Too much catnip tea may cause tummy upset. We have all found ourselves envious of a sleeping cat. They seem to have no cares in the world, and spend all day dozing and dreaming. I’ll be the first to say that sleeping in and taking naps is something I’ll do on occasion, but it can’t be every day! Meanwhile, cats seem to be sleeping their nine lives away… but why? Natural Nighttime Cycles
We’ve mentioned before that cats are crepuscular, meaning they’re active from dusk to dawn, but are not fully nocturnal. (Although they sure seem nocturnal when they race through the house at 2 am!) We have all watched wildlife documentaries where the lions lay in the trees all day, flopped over the limbs, or lazily strolling around. Then when night time comes, the activity and hunting begins. Whether big cats or our sweet rescues, all cats have the same genetic background, so their routine and habits don’t change much. All of the hunting, jumping, running, stalking, and zoomies takes up alot of energy, and so all cats need a big rest and recharge throughout the day. Types of Sleep On average, a cat sleeps 16-20 hours a day, between a mix of light naps to full, deep slumber. Their dozing type of nap is light enough that they will hear noises, and can wake up to react quickly to changes in their surroundings. These naps are balanced by the cats’ deep sleep cycles, lasting around 30 minutes, where they dream and feel more fully recharged (similar to our REM cycles). This deep sleep was when my cat Maddie used to snore, which is not unusual for cats, especially if they have a short nose. Impacts of Age Similar to humans, the younger or older the cat is, the more sleep they require. Kittens require the most sleep since they are growing, but they certainly make up for it in the hours they are awake, by zooming around and causing chaos! Senior cats are a close second to kittens in their sleep needs, but typically without as much chaotic energy in their waking hours. If you start to notice that your cat is suddenly sleeping an unusual amount, talk to your veterinarian because it may indicate a health concern, especially if they’re not a kitten or senior. Naptime Indicators Who doesn’t love to nap on a rainy day? Weather affects cats’ sleep cycles, too, and signals them to take it easy when the rain, snow, or cold weather is around. Indoor cats sleep far more than outdoor cats, since outdoor cats need to be more active, but any cat will hunker down for an extra snooze in inclement weather. Once it’s warm and sunny, you’ll notice your cats choosing their naps in their sun, but overall having more spunk and energy! You may also notice their sleep habits come after a meal. For example, breakfast loads them up on a protein-rich diet, which cats require, but takes longer to digest. And they sleep while that happens! There really is something calming about a sleeping cat that is just so calming. |
AuthorWhen Cari has some free time from all the kitties, she likes to share her knowledge of all things cat in this bi-monthly blog. Enjoy the read! Archives
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