Even animals aren't immune to fad diets. But which ones are worth it? Learn about vegan and raw diets for cats.
How Niche Diets Affect Your Cat In the last few years, we all have been inundated with organic foods and complicated diets touting health benefits and overall feeling better. Having been raised to avoid processed foods and lean more towards veggies than candy bars, I definitely understand the interest in eating healthier and living a cleaner lifestyle. And with the explosion of pet foods and treats now available, there are more diets than ever for you AND your cat. Some of these new diets originated for humans and have migrated to the pet market. Let’s look at the top two and understand the risk and benefits for your cat. Can Cats Go Vegan? My dad loved veggies, tofu and all things green or cruciferous but would Daphne, my little stray who brings me a half-eaten mouse, feel the same? As a bottom-line fact to keep in mind, cats and humans are physiologically designed differently. Kittens must have protein more than any other developing animal and grown cats need it more than even dogs or humans. Cats are what we call “obligate carnivores” which means that they must have meat in order to obtain vital nutrients to survive. One such protein is taurine, which can only be derived from animal-based protein. Some other essential amino acids which cats require for a healthy diet are arginine, cysteine, vitamin A and vitamin D. A cat’s digestive tract is designed shorter than a human’s, which means breaking down lots of fruits and veggies can be more difficult on their system. Out in the wild, cats eat insects (my sweet Maddie used to hunt spiders in the basement!), small rodents and birds (Daphne’s favorite meals), reptiles and other small animals. It doesn’t matter what kind of meat the cat is ingesting, they simply need meat to survive. Lack of these important nutrients can cause very serious health issues such as blindness, deafness, skin problems, organ damage and worst case, death. All of this being said, vegan cat foods are available on the market. However, cat owners should remember that felines evolved to need animal-based proteins in their diets. What is a Raw Diet? Back to my dad and his love of raw veggies. He would always tell me that raw and uncooked was best as the nutrients weren’t cooked out of the vegetables. There is a similar movement with pet owners that believe raw food (specifically meat) is best as that is most similar to what they’d eat naturally in the wild. The meats eaten by animals are the muscles, organs and bones of the prey. Most domestic cats don’t eat wild prey as a food source, besides the odd mouse in the yard. Feral cats and wild animals do of course live off of prey. However, their life spans are much shorter than a domesticated cat, which can live to an average age of 15. The main concern with raw food and preparing meals for your kitty indoors is the same as humans face. Germs such as e.coli are still an issue for animals. As well as potentially infecting your cat, handling raw meat can cause germ spreading and cross contamination with other food and surfaces in your home. As mentioned earlier, feline digestive tracts are designed differently than humans and they can tolerate many more germs than we can. However, it is still very risky especially if the cat has any health conditions, is older or immunocompromised. Another difference in raw meat is that there will have to be some supplements added to balance the meal to make it complete. Feral cats naturally know how to hunt and balance their diets with fiber and vitamins not found in meat, but indoor cats are dependent on us for those decisions. If you decide for whatever reason to switch your cat to a vegan or raw diet exclusively, talk to your vet first and ask for guidance. You may even want to consult a pet nutritionist who can guide you and help along the way. The veterinarian may even carry some of the new foods in their office or direct you to a safe and reliable source or brand. As with any dietary change, think about the well-being and health of your cat first and remember that healthy decisions for humans won’t affect cats in the same way. How cat-only boarding is better for stress.
If you’ve had a chance to read my story, then you know the main reason I opened Rock the Cat Spa was because I noticed a lack of interaction with my cat while she was boarded. Sadly, but not surprising, I hear this concern echoed often when customers call or stop by for boarding. When boarding my cat, my main concerns were what types of interaction she received and how long she would be kept in that tiny cage each day. Unfortunately, since a lot of people believe cats are loners, this isn’t a high priority for many boarding facilities. One time I was even told that it would cost extra (per minute!) to give my sweet kitty a little extra love and attention! This is when I decided Rock the Cat Spa would be different in every way possible. Here, we give cats the best care and attention they can receive away from home. Cats are sensitive and solitary creatures who enjoy their environment being just so. Part of why people believe cats prefer to stay at home is because many boarding facilities don’t cater to these needs. At Rock the Cat Spa, we know that the perfect environment can mean all the difference. No Dogs Allowed One main issue that I have with other boarding facilities is dogs. They may be man’s best friend, but a dog kennel is always barky and loud. Housing cats in the same facility can be very stressful for the cats. No Overwhelming Scents Speaking of odors, while there are no other animal odors, we also have a strict policy of no air fresheners, candles or strong chemical odors. Cats can smell about 15 times better than us mere mortals, so even the slightest odor to us may be overwhelming to them. It can also emphasize that the cat is not at their home and make adjustment more difficult. When cleaning, we move the cats to another area away from the non-toxic and environmentally safe products just in case. We also strongly advise bringing something from home when your cat comes to stay. This allows the cat to experience comfort with the smell of home to help calm and ease any anxiety. Soothing Touches Since this is a cat spa, the spa environment is fully embraced here. Soft classical music plays during the day and is left on at night to help soothe the cats. Classical music has softer sounds and a slower tempo to calm the cats. Spa sounds, such as rain and forest noises, are also played along with cat TV shows of birds, squirrels, string play, and laser dots. Cat grass is another fun feature which is available to help kitty clean her teeth. Enrichment Activities As a kid, playing with my food wasn’t encouraged. But it is here! If snacks are allowed, we play hide and seek with treats. We will hide a few in the room when the cat is out to play and let them do a scavenger hunt for them. Hiding food treats can be a fun activity at home as well, but remember where you left them. Most likely, the cat will find them all but just in case, keep track of them. Unlimited Catnip is another bonus for those cats who can’t get enough! Per the owner’s permission, of course. We love to simply sit and play with the cats! We have ample supply of toys available for each and every cat to enjoy. Daily play isn’t only fun, it can also help expend some energy and lead to a calmer disposition. If the cat isn’t up to playing, we encourage them to come out and hang with us and sunbathe upfront. Whether we are doing laundry or making lunch, we will have a cat out and giving them roam time to explore and stretch if they choose. One on one time is important to a happy cat away from home! Some are lap cats, some love to be carried around and snuggled and others want to be left alone. We get it! We can accommodate any request the cats may have. While there aren’t curtains or a Christmas tree, we encourage the cats here to climb! From multiple cat trees in varying heights to climbing walls such as the Meowywood Wall of Fame in the Hotel Catfurnia, we love for the cats to climb and look around. If they are not into climbing, then there are many cozy houses and spaces for them to crawl into for an afternoon private nap. Restful Slumber Sleep is vital to a cat and they tend to sleep on average 18 hours a day. Comfy pillows, blankets and quilts and even TempurPedic beds are available for the cats to doze off on. At bedtime, we have a Purrdown time when the chandelier is dimmed, music on, treats on the pillow and we quietly exit for a completely restful night’s sleep. Upon wakeup, we gently turn up the chandelier light and check on kitty quietly in case they are still snoozing. Usually they are, so we don’t want to interrupt their dream time! One feature customers will receive at check out is a report card. This is a detailed report of the cat’s activities. The card documents any issues that may have arisen or possible problem (once we found a bump on the leg and it required surgery) in order for the owner to understand any behavioral issues or just to see they had fun! Rock The Cat Spa was created with your cat in mind. We strive to create a healthy home away from home interactive environment which can really ease any stress for both you and your cat. We often hear how cats don’t want to leave because they are having too much fun! Mission accomplished. |
AuthorWhen Cari has some free time from all the kitties, she likes to share her knowledge of all things cat in this bi-monthly blog. Enjoy the read! Archives
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